Hello again Beautiful!
Todays post is a little different from what I'm used to and before I start blabbering on about it, I just wanna let you know this is not a 'sympathy-search' and if these posts don't interest you then please don't feel you have to read them. That's not the case. I decided to write these kinds of posts because I know there are people who may be able to relate to them in some way, shape or form! So here it is...
I have Autoimmune Liver Disease and I am currently waiting for a Liver transplant. I feel like I made this announcement in such a dramatic way, but seriously, this thing doesn't bother me at all! :D
Now, you're probably thinking 'What the hell is she talking about?!' Well, the only way I can explsain it is like this: Right, your immune system attacks a cold you may of caught but for me, my immune system attacks my liver as if it was a cold meaning that a scar is forming along it.
I have had this for probably since I first came into the world but I didn't discover it until February last year, when I was thirteen.
Here's the full story:
So, as I mentioned in the video I have to take many tables but, the one that really stands out in my mind is what I personally think is the worst. It makes my face swollen and for me, that's not a good look, but I try not to let it hold me back and I just try and use the best possible contouring techniques, haircuts/ styling and clothing to create a slimmer, more defined look... though by no means do you need any of this- the fact that you aree different is what makes you beautiful- honestly!
On to the more positive side of things, I can truly say this has made me stronger, though I was pretty strong anyway, there's probably very little you can throw at me now and I am quite proud of that now I think about that; it makes me feel safe.(:
Last quick little thing, I was diagnosed with diabetes in January as a side effect of the same tablet that makes my face swell, I don't really like having diabetes as I just feel it gets in the way when I just want to sit down and eat without having to go through the little bloodtest and insulin jab but, hey, it keeps me going and it doesn't bother me too much!(-: The good thing is it motivates me to eat healthy and keep those extra pounds off! HA!(;
So.. I hope this didn't come across as a boring, upseting, depressing post but I will keep you updated anyway... speaking of updates...
Currently, as I said, I am waiting for a Liver Transplant and at the moment the doctors are doing tests on my mum because she may be able to donate me a piece of her liver. My dad also volunteered and he went through the tests also but a certaing factor meant that he could not go ahead and have the op' unfortunately!
So you're probably thinking, 'Well how can anyone live with just half of a liver?!' The liver is actually amazing!!! It is the only organ you can cut of it will grow back! Infact, you can take 9/10 of the liver away and it will have grown back to it's full size in the matter of a few months!!!
So yeah, I hope you weren't bored to death by this post!(;
Thank you and as always, I love you all!
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