Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Here I am laid on the couch... ouch! | Liver Disease

Hey chummies, I hope you're feeling well!(: This morning's post is very different! I hope you don't mind and though it's not a happy, little story, I hope you, kind of... enjoy it...

So, this blog, as it states above, is 'my journey through fashion, beauty and liver disease.
If you are a new visitor to this page and have no clue what I am talking about, look here>

Ok, so first things first this is not a happy post, so if you have no interest in reading please don't. PS I am not looking for sympathy in any way whatsoever, but this is my little space on the big wide web so here it goes...

Here I am. Laid on the couch, feeling like absolute poop- sick bowl at the ready.

So last friday I had this same, stabbing-like pain in my lower abdomen. My mum and dad always ask, "Out of ten, how bad is the pain?" Ten being the worst. I have a very high pain thresh-hold and don't complain until it gets really bad so when I stumbled into my mum's room at 3am, rocking back- and fourth and clutching my pain engulfed abdomen, I was a solid 8.  Along with this pain came an extremely dry mouth and a little nausea... I was taken to hospital where, (IF YOU'RE SQUEAMISH, PLEASE STOP READING)...

 I got out and threw up in the parking lot, three times! (Classy, eh? But I couldn't help it). I was then admitted at around 4.30am still in a great deal of pain and had vomitted again, twice, luckily, this was the end of that as I had NOUT left to chuck up! My dinner was a 'goner' and so was all the other junk I don't want to think about now!

The reason I'm explaining this is because the pain is back and so is the nausea, but this time it's much worse but thank goodness I haven't thrown my guts, yet.. and hec, yep, the dry mouth has made a return too!

So, I know what you're thinking... why don't you get your ass to the hospital again then? Well, I wish I could, but we rang my hospital that I go to for my liver treatment and all that jazz and they said just to go to my local, soo, we rang my local and there are no doctors on the ward! I mean what on earth?! I suppose they must all be off fixing up some other patient, which, by the way, I appreciate entirely and I don't care if I have to wait if it gets them going again, but I have to admit it is frustrating when the only thing I do want to admit is being admitted to hospital:/

I'm actually doing surprisingly okay, normally I would never be able to concentrate this long; I'd be rocking back and fourth; I would of tried every body position in the book; I'd on the floor; on the sofa; on the bed; standing up; sitting down; pacing back and fourth and back and fourth...

The pain now is about a 6 or 7, which I can just about deal with as writing this is keeping me distracted. My vocab. is probably shocking alongside, my grammar and spelling but this is what it's really like. I couldn't have gone and come back feeling as fit as a fiddle, then write this as I eventually become so engulfed in it all, my brains fuzzy when I try to re-call the event. So here it is up, live and personal. Wish me luck, I'll be going to my loval at 9.30... 1 hour to go!!!


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